Little Star
Twinkle twinkle Little star I wonder why You are so far
Are you a planet That’s like ours Are we one of Your twinkling stars
Do you have wars And riots too With senseless causes And news not true
With cut down trees And newly paved meadows With busy streets And run down ghettos
Or hungry kids And polluted streams Where single moms Won’t live their dreams
Where automation Is how things get done Taking jobs From everyone
I hope that things Are better by far Upon you Twinkling little star
That you don’t have All of these commotions And sea life dying In your oceans
We’ve made things worse In the name of better Somehow we even Hurt the weather
So twinkle twinkle Little star Be careful Where you are so far
You offer hope During the night As we gaze upon Your twinkling light
I wish you were not Quite so far Twinkle Twinkle Little star
Stephen Mathews 2017 |